Save money on automotive maintenance

Well to me this is what normal driving is. So according to the manufacturer my automotive maintenance should be done under the fleet automotive maintenance schedule. Everybody I know puts more then 9,000 miles a year on his or her vehicle.

The national average for miles put  Junkyards near me on a single vehicle has risen from 10,000 miles in the 80’s to 15,000 miles a year in the 90’s to present day. So most of the nation should be on the fleet automotive maintenance schedule along with me. I added up the price difference between the 2 schedules in my own personal service manual. Over a 75,000-mile 5-year period the price difference or savings by going with the fleet schedule was around $500.00 dollars by increasing the automotive maintenance service intervals.

But even more important then the money savings, is that this means less visits for auto service. As we have learned every time you avoid auto service appointment your avoiding scams and rip-offs overcharges and poorly done work. These items together are priceless over a five-year period. What did the manufacture mean about voiding my warranty. Well I have seen this first hand. The manufacturer will not honor the warranty if the vehicle was abused. Using the fleet schedule is not abuse it’s what is recommended on my vehicle. The dealer and manufacturer will have the burden of proof to claim neglect.

This is very difficult and usually only happens under extreme neglect, like when the engine oil looks like tar from lack of oil changes. Now this is important I am not saying to not service your vehicle regularly. I am saying do services only when it is needed. Automotive maintenance Owner’s manuals are different for every vehicle. Study your manual and how it relates to your driving conditions and stick to what is really recommended. I was changing my own personal oil way too much.

The point was driven home at my newest job. The government fleet I work for has 1,800 pieces of equipment. The cars and light trucks get their oil changed every 6 months or 4,500 miles. Automotive maintenance services are almost never late due to a high tech notification system. When the vehicle is due, it comes in for auto service! After a 5 year 100,000 mile study there were no engine failures in the entire fleet. To me this means 4,500 miles or 6 months is good for me also. Now on your vehicle I stress to study the owners manual and see what is best for you and your vehicle.

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